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Database disk usage recommendationsUpgrading instructions

Upgrade guide

This is a generic guide for upgrading across versions of SonarQube. Carefully read the release upgrade notes of your target version and of any intermediate version(s).

Before upgrading, we recommend practicing your upgrade on a staging environment that's as similar to your production environment as possible. For more on this and other important upgrading concepts, read through the Before you upgrade page.

Database disk usage recommendations

During your upgrade, tables may be duplicated to speed up the migration process. This could cause your database disk usage to temporarily increase to as much as double the normal usage. Because of this, we recommend that your database disk usage is below 50% before starting a migration.

Upgrading instructions

You can upgrade your SonarQube instance using the ZIP file, Docker image, or Helm Chart. To expand the upgrading instructions, click the option below that corresponds to your setup.

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